The Indianapolis Radio Club Founded In 1914 The oldest continuously meeting Amateur Radio Club in the United States The AMACHEWER for March 2004 Met at the Indianapolis Training Center 2820 N. Meridian St, Indianapolis, In 2004 IRC Officers President: Chuck Crist - W9IH - 787-6674 Vice President: Don Hemenover - N9DOO - 870-1235 Secretary: Maria Chambers - KB9RLG - 357-6308 Treasurer: Tom Chance - K9XV - 787-1093 Chief Operator: Mike Carmer - KB9RBF - 357-6308 News Editor: Bob Marschel - KB9TEA - 727-6636 Asst. News Editor: Bob Osterhous - W9PSE Director: Bill Goodall - K9DBY - 255-4749 Meeting Minutes Meeting Minutes from our February 13, 2004 Meeting: Meeting was held at the Indianapolis Training Center Don Hemenover; N9DOO; called meeting to order at 7:30 pm. 44 visitors & members in Attendance He Introduced club officers followed by visitors & members self-introductions Treasurer Report: Wade Kingery handed the Officers the treasures report for the previous month. The IRC club Treasurer accounts were changed over to the new officers this month. (Tom -K9XV now has all the money! ) Old Business: -This is our 90th year that the club has been in existence and our theme for this year is _"Ham Radio is Fun and Teamwork". -The web page is like our new banner. check it out There is a lot of useful Ham club related information on this webpage. -We talked about the longest DX award for this month. New Business : -We will be having a picnic at Joe Lobraico- K9OOA annual hamfest on August 7th of this year in Broadripple IN.. Committees reports:. Operations / Contest committee: -They had a contest this past Saturday at the ITC. Tom Chance will head it up, -Also there is a contest in Feb.9-13, 2004 called School Club Roundup this is especially for school stations but,any one station can only operate 24 hours total. Education / Youth committee: -Steve Wendt-KB9RDS was out of town so there was no report. But it was mention for Kids to check out the 2m Kids Net; it is every Sunday night at 5:30 pm on the INDY 146.70 repeater. -We are also trying to get a class started for training kids and adults in Ham Radio and to help them study for their NO-CODE TECH license tests. It will be in April 2004 For more info Check out the Ham classes link on the website. Health & welfare: -Max Kennedy is has had his surgery and is out of the hospital now. We still wish him well and hope to see him at March Meeting. -Also Paul Bohrer W9DUU showed up at the February meeting and we were glad to see he made it to the meeting and hope he continues to get better. Chief-op update: -Mike Carmer-KB9RBF is going to take an inventory of the radio and things in the ITC Ham Radio room. -He is also getting a book for everyone who enters the radio room for any reason to use the radios or what ever to sign in; name and call sign and the date, time in and time out and room usage reason. -We are adding links to our web page for other various groups around town. Other announcements: -Bill-K9DBY talked about the IRA _ the largest coverage repeater and that the IRA needs support to keep the 146.70 and the rest of the repeaters up to date, The IRA has (4) repeaters that cover this area. The 146.625 machine is getting a new repeater very soon. With Ham user donations they will be able to update the rest of the repeaters. -Bob Blake -N9FIM had two announcements; 1st:there will be a Severe Weather Spotters Training ,Feb.28th at 9am at the Mystic Circle at 7502 E. 56th st., Dave will teach the 2 hour course, Bring your friends, family, firemen or police for the training. 2nd: Terry Smyser passed away Jan. 9, 2004 the showing was Sun Jan 11th 3-6pm at Harry Moore on Pendleton Pike between Franklin Rd. and Post Rd.. He was the prize booth guy at the Hamfest and he will be missed. -If anyone one is interest in being a part of the hamfest committee you can email or snail mail Maria - KB9RLG. -Mike Sercer- WA9FDO had an announcement; if you have power line / radio interference call him at 261-8993. Program: -VP Don- N9DOO introduced our guest speaker: Dr.Gary Stouder -K9SG ; Gary brought pictures on his laptop of his Dxing in the Curacao Islands, Aruba VP5K, BonAire and Belize V31SG this dxing was done during Spring break last year. He met Jodie PJ2T, Bob K4UEE and Geoff. They stayed at Signal Point, Curacao this area has good Transmitting characteristics due to the fact that its near the equator. The contest site had antennas pointed for the USA and Japan and Europe. They used two 100 foot towers with lots of different frequency antennas on them. It was a very beautiful place even though the weather got very hot. Thanks to Gary for the great presentation.! -The Feb. monthly DX contact award was given to Steve Heininger N9OI; his 1st time for this award his contact was to Christmas Island on 20meters.; congrats to Steve!. Next month speaker/ Program: (dont miss this one!) Taka ; KW6I & John ; K9XT will present AOR HF Digital Voice systems (aor9800) Best technology since SSB! We have invited all the Indy Area ham clubs and their friends. Next IRC meeting will be March 12 at 7:30 at the Training Center. -Also remember our club website -Bring a youth or Ham Friend to the next Meeting. See you all at the meeting in March.